What Is a Beehive?

Specific images may come to mind when you think of a beehive? But, what is a beehive exactly?

It is a home for bees that includes the bees too. Most commonly, bees from the subgenus “apis”, such as our honey bees. The hive gives a bee colony a place to live.

Inside this enclosed cavity, our honey bees carry on life sustaining activities. Bees react to a variety of conditions that we don’t always understand.

A simple view from the outside of a beehive gives no indication of the magic happening inside.

Hive frame

What is a Beehive frame?

A hive frame or honey frame is a structural element in a beehive that holds the honeycomb or brood comb within the hive enclosure or box. The hive frame is a key part of the modern movable-comb hive. It can be removed in order to inspect the bees for disease or to extract the excess honey.

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